Believe and you will achieve!
Successful Steph!! Well thats not her real name but she sure has been successful while participating on our instructor programs.
Let me start from the beginning ….
Stephanie Taylor showed up at our YES office in Whistler last season (around December 2012) and asked me if she could join the CSIA Level 1 & 2 course. We don't often get walk ins like this so I was pretty surprised. Steph was pretty shy, quite young lady from the UK. She had come over to Whistler to work for the season but decided to take the time to also gain some certifications too.
Steph joined us for 6 weeks and during this time she successfully completed her CSIA Level 1 and 2 with flying colours in the 2012/2013 season. During this time we also noticed that she was starting to open up and that shy girl was growing confident.
A few months later I get another knock on my door, its around May 2013. Its Steph again. This time she tells me that wants to come back to Whistler and go for the snowboarding Level 1 and 2 certification along with some additional courses that we offer and even complete some CSIA Level 3 training at the end of the season. We work out the time frame and she will need 15 weeks to plow through her list. I mention there is also a BASI Level 2 course at the end of April that if all goes to plan she could do it too. She agrees and we book her in.
Steph arrived in Whistler on the 11th Jan 2014 – Let the games begin…
By end of Jan 2014 she successfully completes the CASI Level 1 and receives another badge
Around the end of Feb 2014 she participates on the AST Level 1 course and passes with flying colours.
By end of March 2014 she adds the CSCF entry level race coach badge to her lanyard
By the 1st week in April 2014 she gains her CASI Level 2 badge
Right now she is participating on the Level 3 training and next week she will be going for the BASI Level 2 badge.
Yep … it has been tick after tick on her personal goal checklist. She has worked really hard and the effort has paid off. Ultimaltey she believed and she acheived
All the team at YES are so proud of her and her amazing attitude. Steph is a confident young women and it has been so awesome to watch her grow. She'll hate me for writing this but she is truely one of my favourite clients ever and I am so proud of her. Trust me when I say 15 weeks of non stop skiing and boarding is exhusting and she has never backed down.
So in light of this awesome achievement, the whole YES team would like to congradulate Steph. This is a first for YES, in our 25 years of operation, no one has ever gained more certifications than this star student.
Nice work Pinky!
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