Thank God I’m on YES!
Awesome POW day today… the line ups prove this… are you freaking out… never fear when your with YES… LIFT LINE PRIORITY! Boom 🙂
Awesome POW day today… the line ups prove this… are you freaking out… never fear when your with YES… LIFT LINE PRIORITY! Boom 🙂
The first YES Olympic amazing race took place yesterday with a fantastic turn out by all the representing countries.
We have such an awesome group of clients from around the world, it was great to see everyone proudly flying their colours… or their kilts 🙂
Olympic countries where Canada, South Korea, Cezch Replublic, Australia, Britian, Argentina, Scotland, Norway, USA to name a few.
The winning team will be announced tonight at our apres function and they each will receive a fresh tracks pass … perfect timing with the 50cm expected over the next few days.
Thanks to everyone for coming out and to Wazza for making it happen.
A re-cap of some great memories from the past few weeks on the Whistler Instructor course.
And just when you thought no one was looking!
Last nights end of week apres was another great one full of laughs, snorts and lots of wise cracks! I felt alot of love in the room (as you can see from the insert photo) its great to see everyone who arrived as strangers only a few weeks ago are now …CLOSE!
Alex won the award for most improved skier and probably more so that Barry didn't loose him all week… WINNING!
To view all the photos, visit our facebook page.
Congratulations to the Rob Haylock winners Olivia Crane and Sam Graves. Both instructor students showed true grace and excellence through out their time with us on the program.
Big shout out to all the Instructor students from the November courses, we'll miss you all. Thanks for being so awesome 🙂
We wish you both the best of luck in the future.
The date was set, the rules where simple and the group was divided into two teams… we now have THE YES AMAZING RACE!
Congratulations to the winning team and big thanks to Wazza for organising such a fun day for everyone.
Check out the images on our facebook page link below.